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    7.30- 8.30pm Yoga Disco & Breathwork with Yasmina Mulligan

    Yoga Disco & Breathwork with @yogawithyasmina

    Step into the groove, and find your flow with a Yoga Disco & Breathwork, the ultimate blend of yoga, dance, and breath work!

    Facebook Event

    7.15pm Ashtanga/Vinyasa with Issy Lawton

    Suitable for beginners as well as experienced yogis. Classes are very dynamic covering all areas of the body. Also focusing on the breath, anatomical alignment principles and raising the collective consciousness through mindfulness.


    Please note, Izzy is on maternity leave at the moment, but her classes are still running.

    4.45pm Hatha Flow with Izzy Webster (please note new timing from 31.05)

    Izzy teaches with a therapeutic approach, inviting you to join her for a fusion of flowing Hatha Yoga, uplifting and balancing body and mind.

    6pm Hatha Flow with Izzy Webster (please note new timing from 31.05)

    Izzy teaches with a therapeutic approach, inviting you to join her for a fusion of flowing Hatha Yoga, uplifting and balancing body and mind.


    10.15am Gentle Yoga with Izzy Webster

    This slow-paced class is perfect for anyone who enjoys a gentler paced class or is new to yoga. Simple movements designed to build up and maintain healthy joints, overall strength, flexibility, focus, and increased energy. Accessible practices help to create a sense of peace and calm in body and mind, whilst leaving you feeling uplifted and balanced.


    6pm Physiotherapist-led Mixed Level Pilates with Francesca Davey

    Physiotherapy-led Pilates classes, suitable for all levels with plenty of modifications offered. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise to support existing joint/muscle pains, or for those generally trying to improve their overall core strength, flexibility and fitness.

    7pm Physiotherapist-led Mixed Level Pilates with Francesca Davey

    Physiotherapy-led Pilates classes, suitable for all levels with plenty of modifications offered. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise to support existing joint/muscle pains, or for those generally trying to improve their overall core strength, flexibility and fitness. Class capacity is currently 12 to ensure Francesca can monitor individual abilities, and offer adaptations as required.


    9.30am Physiotherapist-led Mixed Level Pilates with Sarah Deakin

    This class is suitable for all, regardless of your starting level. Different levels of each movement are offered so that you can work at the right pace and intensity for you.

    10.30am Physiotherapist-led Pilates for Low Back Pain with Sarah Deakin

    Pilates is a great exercise to improve low back pain. In this gentle class, physiotherapist Sarah guides you through ways to stretch and strengthen your low back and core muscles. This class is suitable for everyone that can comfortably get on and off the floor and will focus on slow controlled mindful movements. Variations and different levels will be provided for every movement.


    6.45pm Physiotherapist-led Intermediate Pilates with Sarah Deakin

    These Pilates classes are designed for those who have an understanding of the basic Pilates principles and exercises and have a reasonable level of fitness. It is a step up from the foundation beginner classes, introducing more challenging exercises, variations, and increased intensity. The aim of this class is to increase strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination.

    7.45pm Physiotherapist-led Pilates Foundations with Sarah Deakin

    Join Sarah for an 8-week Physiotherapist- led Pilates course covering the foundations of Pilates.
    This course could be an introduction to Pilates for beginners or a re-introduction for those who want a refresher or for those looking for a more gentle class and wanting to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals.


    9.30am Plysiotherapist-led Mixed Level Pilaes with Francesca Davey

    Physiotherapy-led Pilates classes, suitable for all levels with plenty of modifications offered. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise to support existing joint/muscle pains, or for those generally trying to improve their overall core strength, flexibility and fitness. Class capacity is currently 12 to ensure Francesca can monitor individual abilities, and offer adaptations as required.


    8.30am Saturday Social - mixed ability - with Kirsty Barker

    Boxercise is a fun class that will really work you hard. It will help increase both your strength and fitness. Classes give you all the fundamentals of boxing without physical contact other than with pads. The class can include pad work, shadow boxing, aerobic exercises, strength and toning exercises, circuit style classes and even games to keep it interesting.


    2pm Meditation Practice with Natalija Stevens

    Suitable for all levels of experience.

    Sometimes, when mindfulness arises it can feel as if we are seeing things for the first time with a freshness that can take us by surprise. This quality of mind has been referred to as “beginner’s mind”, and has some of the qualities of wonder and appreciation that a happy child can have in experiencing new things.