James Barley

James Bentley

James Barley - Healer


James has been healing for over 30 years, he's a fully qualified healer with The Healing Trust and is a Trustee and Regional Committee Member for the organisation.

As a conduit, James attunes to channel energy to the recipient where it is intuitively received and flows to where it is needed. This may be in any area of the person’s energy field – body, mind, emotions or spirit.

> What is healing?

Healing is a natural Practice where the healer acts as a conduit for healing energy that flows through to the recipient. This may be a person or an animal.

The flow of beneficial energy between the healer and the recipient deals with the “dis-ease” at its deepest level and frees a person’s natural resources to work in the most effective way. It is energy that realigns the body, mind, emotions and spirit, thus allowing them to work in harmony again and assist in restoring health and wellbeing. At the subatomic level, we are all made of energy, and this is where healing commences.

> How does it work?

When our energy is unbalanced or depleted which is often triggered by a life event, we become misaligned to our divine blueprint. This can result in stress leading to poor health.

It is understood that the healing process continues long after the physical act of healing has finished, and this may manifest in many different ways for example, tiredness, euphoria, cold like symptoms, etc. These conditions indicate energy is being realigned and any energy stagnation or blocks are being released in order for the body to move back into a state of renewed health and wellbeing.

A healing session may intuitively enlighten the recipient as to the cause or causes that triggered the initial complaint and if the person starts to take steps to address the cause this will, in turn, help the whole healing process. However, this can be very subtle and changes may occur without the recipient being actively aware of them, other than experiencing a sense of relief, peace of mind, or a regained sense of wellbeing.

> Prices:

£45 for 50 mins

> How to book:

Link to booking page: https://jamesbarleyhealer.as.me

📩 james@jamesbarley.co.uk

🔍 www.jamesbarley.uk

> Socials:
