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The Friendship & Health Hub

We are delighted to be hosting these monthly events, organised by Community Association Burston Community Wellbeing Projects.

Everyone is welcome to come for the full afternoon, taking part in various activities, or just pop in for a particular activity or as much time as you would like.

Booking is essential for the wellbeing activities - see below for all the info needed to book your spot. But if you would like to just come along for a cup of tea and a chat, then booking is not needed.

General queries - contact Izzy and Lisa

📞 07595 472 630



12:30-1:30pm Class: Deep Release Pilates with Alison

12:30-1:30pm Experience: Group Hypnosis for Relaxation with Jeanette

2-3pm Class: Functional Fitness Pilates with Victoria

1.45-2.30pm Talk: Naturopathic Nutrition with Meg

2.45-3.30pm Experience: Group Mindfulness with Natalija

3:30-4:30pm Class: Modern Meditation with Phoebe

3:45-4:30pm Workshop: Interactive Acupuncture with Minh

Private Sessions:

Reiki tasters with Alison

1:2:1 or 1:2:2 mindfulness sessions with Natalija

Reflexology, Indian Head Massage or Soft Tissue Release with Yasmina

Refreshments available throughout the day and Nutritious food from Marigold Catering.

Everything on offer is absolutely FREE of charge and is offered on a first come first served basis.

Booking Info

Deep Release Pilates with Alison

Deep Release Pilates, using prickle balls and a roller to release you from inside to out. This is the class where you end up feeling like you’ve had a full body massage but also worked your core. Deep Release Pilates can help alleviate chronic pain, helping you to move easier and feel better. Please note a sense of humour is required and you will most likely hate me during the session…. but you will feel amazing afterwards!

12:30 - 1:30pm

To book:


Functional Fitness Pilates with Victoria

Incorporating functional, everyday standing moves we combine the discipline of cultivating a strong core with mat work stretching to enhance flexibility and mobility. Keeping it real and relevant to everyday movement patterns, this class will get you strong and fit for the game of life!


To book:


Modern Meditation with Phoebe

We use a fusion of breathwork, somatic movement and meditation all set to modern music to create a really fun, accessible and deeply restorative meditation experience.


To book:

Group Hypnosis for Relaxation with Jeanette

Our perception of time may have become distorted whilst shopping/on the golf course/driving, which is often a result of being in deep mental absorption or light trance. We can all appreciate a time when we became lost in our own thoughts. Whilst we’ve no doubt, all been aware of these experiences, we may not have related them to self-hypnosis or light trances. Within my sessions, we bring about these naturally occurring trance states to focus on that unwanted issue, that annoying habit or problem that you wish to deal with for once and for all.  Hypnosis is a powerful tool for transformation, allowing your subconscious mind the freedom for positive changes.


To book:


Naturopathic Nutrition talk with Meg

Your toxic load and how to lower it.

Join Meg Powell from Naturopathic Nutrition for a talk all about what contributes to your toxic load and helpful ways to lower it.

1:45-2:30 pm

To book:


Group Mindfulness with Natalija

As a mindfulness-accredited teacher, I offer mindfulness one-to-one or group sessions. Sometimes, when mindfulness arises it can feel as if we are seeing things for the first time with a freshness that can take us by surprise. This quality of mind has been referred to as “beginner’s mind”, and has some of the qualities of wonder and appreciation that a happy child can have in experiencing new things.

2:45-3:30 pm 

To book:


Interactive Acupuncture Workshop with Minh

Join Minh to start learning the fundamentals of Acupuncture.

3:45-4:30 pm


Other things on offer:

Reiki tasters with Alison

This tradition was founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system and benefits may include deep relaxation and the promotion of a calm, peaceful sense of wellbeing.There are many benefits of Reiki, and these can include: grounding and balancing, encouraging healing, promoting relaxation, relieving stress and anxiety, energising the mind and the body, and assisting with pain management


To book:


1:2:1 or 1:2:2 mindfulness sessions with Natalija

12:30-2:30pm & 3:45-4:30pm

To book:


Reflexology, Indian Head Massage or Soft Tissue Release with Yasmina


To book:


📞 07580612713

Next Friendship & Health Hub dates

Pop the below dates in your diary.

Monday 20th May

Monday 17th June

Monday 8th July

Saturday 17th August ( to celebrate The Space's tenth birthday! )

Monday 16th September

Monday 14th October

Follow us on Instagram @burstoncommunityprojects